22 DEC

The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program becomes the Affordable Connectivity Program on December 30, 2021

  • Published 2021-12-22

The temporary Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program will become the Affordable Connectivity Program, a new longer-term program, on December 30, 2021. Households enrolled in the Emergency Broadband Benefit before 12/30/21 will continue to receive their current monthly discount until March 1, 2022.

If you are in need of financial assistance, you can still enroll in the Emergency Broadband Benefit before 12/30/21. Apply here for EBBP.

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10 AUG

Whip City Fiber Expansion: Construction Begins in Wyben

  • Published 2021-08-10

Westfield Gas + Electric/Whip City Fiber is moving forward with construction to bring locally owned fiber optic internet to new customers in Wyben. This work is part of a 12-month expansion announced by General Manager Tom Flaherty, Sr. in April. The expansion will provide gigabit service to an additional nine neighborhoods and is part of an effort to bring service to all of Westfield by 2025.

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10 MAY

Whip City Fiber Customers Can Apply for Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Starting May 12

  • Published 2021-05-10

Starting May 12, 2021, Whip City Fiber offers the Emergency Broadband Benefit, a new Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program. The temporary benefit will offer a $50 discount for broadband service for eligible households in Westfield and all Massachusetts towns served by Whip City Fiber during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic.

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