21 DEC

There's no place like home…

  • Published 2020-12-21

Wishing you a happy + safe holiday season and best wishes for a happy New Year! Grab a candy cane or a cup of cocoa and see how we are celebrating the holidays in Westfield this year.

28 APR

COVID-19 Update: Our Continuing Commitment

  • Published 2020-04-28

Dear Westfield Community: The COVID-19 pandemic quickly changed our daily lives and has tested our abilities to adjust and forge a new path forward. It’s been heartwarming to see how we’ve come together to face these challenging times as a community.

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23 MAR

COVID-19 UPDATE: Installs Delayed Until Further Notice

  • Published 2020-03-23

All installs which require interior work have been put on hold until further notice. Our team is exploring innovative ways to connect customers who have a home with pre-existing service without the need for a technician to enter the premises...